Catalog from Sei Do Kai.


Standard Hickory
Weapons for Training

 Sei Do Kai
44 Inkerman St.
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 3C5

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Jo and other sticks

Weapon Sets

Other weapons


Here are our standardized weapons, for custom weapons contact us at or check out our custom weapons page. The weapons below are of various sizes and shapes and are usually available for immediate shipment.

All these weapons are made by SDKsupplies from North American hickory. They are all available at wholesale prices if purchased in bulk and if you have a special or custom design that you'd like to have made for your club or retail store in orders of 5 or more, just email us, we can likely do it for you at standard prices.

All hickory weapons have a hand rubbed, flexible, tung oil finish which allows moisture resistance while allowing you to feel the wood.

In some cases we offer these weapons in other woods, usually Ipe or Purpleheart. If so you will find a different button below to add these other woods to your cart.

Please note that all prices on this page include shipping in North America

Standard Bokuto Daito

Hickory bokken with shoulder for tsuba

These are "standard" size and shape, the bokuto is 40" (102cm) long with a 10" (25.5 cm) tsuka (hilt). The sori (curvature) is 5/8" (1.5cm). These measurements will of course be approximate since they are hand made. This model is suitable for kendo no kata, iaido and jodo.

Hickory Daito price is $72.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Standard Shoto

Same as above, but the matching Shoto at 22" (56cm) long with a 5.5" (14cm) hilt and a 3/8" (1cm) sori.

Hickory shoto with a tsuba shoulder

Hickory Shoto price is $48.00 (includes shipping in North America).

SDK (Aikido) Bokuto

We offer an aikido style model of the hickory bokuto, these have the "Sei Do Kai" safety tip (same as for Tendo-ryu) as seen below and no shoulder for a tsuba.

hickory aikido bokken, daito

Here is a closer view of the two tip styles.  We can of course make any tip style you'd like for bulk orders. You will also see the variation in colour and grain that occurs in hickory. I did not select "perfect" examples of bokuto to show here, I just grabbed two from the top of the pile.

daito and aikido bokken tips

Hickory SDK (Aikido) Bokuto price is $72.00 (includes shipping in North America).

SDK Shoto

Same as above, but the matching Shoto at 22" (56cm) long with a 5.5" (14cm) hilt and a 3/8" (1cm) sori.

                    sdk style shoto

Hickory SDK Shoto price is $48.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Heavy (Iwama) Bokuto

This model is the same dimensions and shape as the SDK model above, but the edge is more circular and the tip is cut off straight. This makes a heavier bokuto with more beef on the edge.

Hickory (Iwama) Aikido Bokuto price is $72.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Saya Bokuto

This is our standard bokuto with a plastic saya. The perfect beginning step for iaido students, no more pretend saya or trying to hook your hakama himo to get the bokuto tucked away at the side. 

More importantly, you can practice noto correctly, with the left hand at the centre rather than at the left hip. 

saya bokuto
                      for iaido

Hickory Saya bokuto price is $110.00(includes shipping in North America).


hickory tanto

Hickory Tanto price is $28.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Jo and other stick weapons

Sticks of many lengths are available from yawara to jo (50 inches) in one inch dia and up to 6 feet in 1 1/8 inches. The usual lengths for Japanese martial arts are below, for other sticks check out the Karate weapons page.

Hickory short pole weapons

hickory jo, hanbo and ulysses

From top to bottom we have a hickory ulysses or arnis stick at 27" by one inch, a hanbo at 36" by 1 1/8 inch, a 50 1/4 inch jo at 1 1/8 inch and one at 1 inch.

Hickory Jo, Jodo style

Default size is 50 1/4 inch (127.5cm) by 1" (2.54cm) but we will provide them up to 54 inches (137cm).

Jo price is $70.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Hickory Jo, Aikido style

Default size is 50 1/4 inch (127.5cm) by 1 1/8" (2.8cm) but we will provide them up to 54 inches (137cm).

Jo price is $78.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Hickory hanbo, light

These are 3 feet by one inch (91cm by 2.54cm) for cane techniques.

Hanbo price is $50 (includes shipping in North America).

Hickory hanbo, heavy

These are 3 feet by one 1/8 inch (91cm by 2.8cm) for cane techniques.

Hanbo price is $65 (includes shipping in North America).

Ulysses, Yawara, and Bo

For ulysses, Yawara, and Bo see the karate kobudo weapons page

Wholesale Prices: Email us at for details on bulk orders to your club or retail business.

Weapon Sets

These are our most popular combinations for your ordering convenience.

Standard DaiSho (set of long and short)

hickory dai sho set

Hickory Standard DaiSho price is $98.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Standard triple (set of long, short and tanto)

hickory long, short and tanto

Hickory Standard DaiSho-Tan price is $112.00 (includes shipping in North America).

SDK DaiSho (set of long and short)

                    aikido daisho set

Hickory SDK DaiSho price is $98.00 (includes shipping in North America).

SDK triple (set of long, short and tanto)

                    sdk set of long short and tanto

Hickory SDK DaiSho-Tan price is $112.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Jo and Standard Bokuto set

This is a set for jodo practice, a jo and bokuto at a lower price. 

Hickory Jo 1" and Bokuto set price is $110.00 (includes shipping in North America)

Aikido set

This is a set for aikido practice, a jo, aikido (SDK) bokken and tanto at a lower price. 

Hickory Jo 1" and Bokken/Tanto set price is $125.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Aikido set 2

The set with Aikido (SDK) bokken and jo only, no tanto.

Hickory Aikido weapon set 2 price (1" jo) is $110 (includes shipping in North America).

Other Weapons

Some of our other standardized weapons

Bent Handled Canes for Martial Art Practice

                    bentwood cane

These are hardwood bent-handled canes for martial art use. They have a one inch shaft with steam-bent handles that will easily hook a wrist or ankle. Very tough sticks, these should last for years.

Bentwood Handle Cane price is $70.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Shepherd's Crooks for Martial Arts Practice 

These are the same as our canes, but the shaft is between 5 and 6 feet long. If you've got to develop that new kata for your next belt exam, think about the possibilities here!

Price is $120.00 (includes shipping in North America).

for more weapons try:
Standard shiro kashi weapons
Karate/kobudo weapons

Kung Fu weapons

"It's not exactly full of beautiful models in undies but you might find something you want."

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Page last modified Feb 24, 2025 by Kim Taylor