Standard Shiro Kashi
Weapons for Training

 Sei Do Kai
44 Inkerman St.
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 3C5

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            at the jo
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Jo and other sticks

Weapon Sets

Katana Kake (stand)

Other weapons


Click for
                    larger photo of bokuto

Here are our standardized weapons, for custom weapons contact us at or check out our custom weapons page. The weapons below are of various sizes and shapes and are usually available for immediate shipment.

Japanese White Oak Bokuto (Daito and Shoto)

                  kashi Bokuto

Finally, we have found a source of shiro kashi (Japanese white oak) weapons that are good enough for Sei Do Kai. We can now supply you with decently priced Japanese White Oak weapons of the best quality. These are standard size and shape, the bokuto is 40" (102cm) long with a 10" (25.5 cm) tsuka (hilt). The sori (curvature) is 5/8" (1.5cm). 

                      White Oak Bokuto

Here is the tip, showing the large grain pattern typical of Asian Oaks. 

Daito price is $67.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Japanese White Oak Shoto

Same as above, but the matching Shoto at 22" (56cm) long with a 5.5" (14cm) hilt and a 3/8" (1cm) sori. 

Shiro Kashi Shoto

Shoto price is $45.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Japanese White Oak Bokuto with Hi (groove)

Shiro kashi with hi (groove)

This is the same bokuto as our standard above, but with a hi for that satisfying whoosh when you cut. They fit the saya below.

Price is $73 including shipping within North America.

Wholesale Prices
: Email Kim at for details on bulk orders to your club or retail business.

Japanese White Oak Aikido Bokuto

shiro kashi aikido bokuto

We offer an aikido model of the white oak bokuto, these have the "Sei Do Kai" safety tip (same as for Tendo-ryu) as seen below. 

Click on the photo for the end view of the tip. These bokuto have no shoulder for a tsuba, as we see in the next photo.

japanese white oak daito and aiki bokuto

Click on the photo to see the hilts.

Aikido Bokuto price is $67.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Shiro Kashi Saya Bokuto

This is our shiro kashi bokuto (without hi), with a plastic saya. The perfect beginning step for iaido students, no more pretend saya or trying to hook your hakama himo to get the bokuto tucked away at the side. 

More importantly, you can practice noto correctly, with the left hand at the centre rather than at the left hip. 

saya bokuto
                        for iaido

Saya bokuto price is $106.00(includes shipping in North America)


Shiro Kashi Saya Bokuto (with hi)

This is our shiro kashi bokuto (with a groove (hi) in the bokuto), with a plastic saya
. The perfect beginning step for iaido students, no more pretend saya or trying to hook your hakama himo to get the bokuto tucked away at the side. 

Most importantly with this setup is that you can get the bokuto to go "whoosh". 

Saya bokuto with hi price is $113 (includes shipping in North America)


Plastic Saya only for bokuto

The Saya alone can also be purchased, it will fit most standard size and curve bokuto (but of course we can't guarantee that it will fit yours)

Saya price is $35 (includes shipping in North America) 

Japanese White Oak Niten Ichiryu bokuto

These bokuto are thinner than the usual, being about 3/4 of the width of the regular bokuto. They are also a different shape in the blade section, with straight planes rather than a curved edge.

The Daisho set price is $98 (includes shipping in North America)

Japanese White Oak Itto ryu bokuto

Itto ryu

These bokuto are 98cm (38.5") and quite robust. The edge (ha) is round and fat, and the back (mune) is also rounded. They weigh around 675g compared to the standard style at around 530g

Itto ryu
The mune (back) of the Itto ryu bokuto

The Itto ryu bokuto price is $72 (includes shipping in North America) 

Japanese White Oak bokuto with wooden tsuba and tsuba dome

                      tsuba bokuto, click for larger photo

wooden tsuba and tsuba dome

wooden tsuba and tsuba dome dismounted

This is a very nice weapon, we ship it finished but not glued so that you can either glue it yourself to make a permanent tsuba or remove it for carrying to the dojo. It comes individually packed in it's own box.

Price is $98 including shipping within North America. 

Japanese White Oak Tanto

japanese white oak knife

Tanto price is $25 (includes shipping in North America).

Japanese Red Oak Suburito

Aka Kashi

Here is an Aka Kashi suburito for practice, it is 46" (117cm) long with a 12" (31cm) hilt and minimum sori. The suburito weighs 950g. You might be able to make out the rather distinctive colour change between sections of the red oak, this is a common feature of the wood, leading to some rather interesting visual effects. The photo below shows the relative size between the daito and the suburito, the white oak bokuto weighs about 500g.

                        Red Oak suburito compared to white oak bokuto

Suburito price is $98.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Jo and other stick weapons

Sticks of many lengths are available from yawara to jo (50 inches) in one inch dia and up to 6 feet in 1 1/8 inches. The usual lengths for Japanese martial arts are below, for other sticks check out the Karate weapons page.

Japanese White Oak Jo

Shiro Kashi Jo

These are excellent shiro kashi jo, good tight, straight grain, and we inspect them closely before shipping them. They are 50" (127cm) by 1" (2.54cm). To give you some idea of the variability in shiro kashi (and any wood for that matter), these three jo chosen at random weighed 625g, 650g and 670g. 

Jo price is $75.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Japanese white oak hanbo

These are made of the same excellent stock as the jo, but are 3 feet by one inch (91cm by 2.54cm) for cane techniques.

click for larger photo

Hanbo price is $55 (includes shipping in North America).

For ulysses see the karate kobudo weapons page


Weapon Sets

These are our most popular combinations for your ordering convenience.

Japanese White Oak DaiSho (set of long and short)

                  Kashi Daisho set
DaiSho price is $93.00 (includes shipping in North America).


Japanese White Oak Jo and Bokuto set

Jo and Bokuto

This is a set for jodo practice, a jo and bokuto at a lower price. 

Jo/Bokuto set price is $117.00 (includes shipping in North America).

Japanese White Oak Aikido set

Aikido set,
                    jo, bokken and tanto

This is a set for aikido practice, a jo, aikido bokken and tanto at a lower price. 

Jo/Bokken/Tanto set price is $132.00 (includes shipping in North America).


Japanese White Oak Aikido set 2

The set with bokken and jo only, no tanto.

Aikido weapon set 2 price is $117 (includes shipping in North America).


Katana Kake

Here is a lovely sword stand of shiro kashi.

                      stand with Niten Ichiryu bokuto

The katana kake is $75 (includes shipping in North America)

for more weapons try:
Standard Hickory weapons
Karate/kobudo weapons

Kung Fu weapons
And More Display Stands

"It's not exactly full of beautiful models in undies but you might find something you want."

The Sei Do Kai provides training in Iaido, Kendo, Niten Ichi-ryu Kenjutsu and Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo through classes, seminars and camps. Want some training for your club? Email Kim Taylor

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Page last modified Feb 24, 2025 by Kim Taylor