A monthly magazine dealing with all aspects of Japanese sword study.
Kim Taylor
44 Inkerman St.
Guelph, Ontario Canada
N1H 3C5
Subscribing to the
Journal of Japanese
Sword Arts
Subscriptions are $36 Cdn in Canada, $36 US in USA and $48 Overseas.
Email kataylor@uoguelph.ca
Tel. 519-836-4357 |
The Journal of Japanese Sword Arts began life in 1989 as a monthly newsletter.
More than 90 issues and almost ten years later it is still being produced.
The Journal contains news, reviews, announcements, and in depth articles
concerning all aspects of the Japanese sword.
The Journal contains all the copy in The Iaido Newsletter, plus much
Check out the JJSA
Awards for sword related websites.
The editor, publisher, and chief inking boy is Kim Taylor, a long time
student of Japanese sword, and associate editor of the Journal of Asian
Martial Arts.
Some recent articles:
An Interview with Ishigaki Mutsuyoshi, Hanshi 8dan by Pasi Hellsten, Finland.
Initial Impressions of Atarashii Naginata, Ray Sosnowski, USA
Lamination in Japanese Blades, Bob Cole, USA
Togi, the art of polishing, and choosing a polisher for your blade,
Chris Lau, Canada
The Kashima Shrine, Karl Friday, USA
A visit with the Classical Kendo Federation, Phil Fellman, USA
To Judge is to Judge Yourself, Pat Murosako, USA
How Much is that Sword in the Window- or Where Commerce Meets Art,
Phil Fellman, USA
Some thoughts on making Bokuto, Kim Taylor, Canada
Thoughts from Yamamoto Harusuke, Yokoyama Hiromichi, Japan
Swordsmanship and its Place in the Reality of Today. Victor Figueroa,
Koryu Licensing, Karl Friday, USA.
Fencing Time with the Japanese Sword, Morgan Burke, USA.
Some Selected Articles from Past Issues
Return to Table
of Contents
Last Updated Feb. 3 1999 by Kim Taylor