#NOTE: From #67, there are two versions of TIN, items with * are in the larger, direct mail version only.#

AGNEW, DOUG: 68/8:4 Dojo Liability;


69/8:5 Tamiya Ryu is Now in North America;

75/8:11 Tamiya Ryu Iaijutsu;

ANDERSON, DICK: 69/8:5 PNKF Feb 24th Iaido Seminar Review;


42/6:2 Is the Falling Popularity of Martial Arts a Bad Thing?

43/6:3 The China-Japan Weapons Connection

44/6:4 More Comments on the JAMA Iaido Article.

50/6:10 The myth of Chinese influence on Japanese martial arts.

52/6:12 Jutsu, Do and Kata Practice;

53/7:1 Chinese influence on Japanese classical martial culture;

AXELROD, MICHAEL: 66/8:2 Saya Restoration;

BAKAHANADA: 70/8:6 6th Annual Guelph Summer Camp and Seminar;

BEGHETTO, MARK: 19/4:2 Help wanted for Kendo club;

BLICHFELDT, BJARNE: 41/6:1 Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, geneology chart.


47/6:7 The ugly American.

48/6:8 and TAYLOR, KIM Kajihara Kotoken visits Buffalo.


64/7:12 All Japan Kendo Championship;

76/8:12 1996 All Japan Kendo Championships (44th);

BOTARI, JOHANNA: 46/6:6 "Japan: A primer for working and living" by Gary Loftus, Book Review.

BOWSER, TODD: 62/7:10 Safety in the Iai Dojo;

BRIZZI, CLAUDIO 56/7:4 Letter;


36/5:8 to 47/6:7 Iai-Jinx

48/6:8 Iai-Jinx; Iai-Jinx gets his.

49/6:9 to 60/7:8 Iai-Jinx

61/7:9 Iai-Jinx, Movie Review: Highlander III;

62/7:10 to 75/8:11 Iai-Jinx

76/8:12 Iai-Jinx; Rembukan Jodo Gasshuku in Maryland; 77/9:1 Iai-Jinx;

BUHS, CHARLES: 53/7:1 Book Review: The way of the sword: The Tengu-geijutsu-ron of Chozan Shissai, Trans. Reinhard Kammer.

BURKE, MORGAN: 71/8:7 Fencing Time With the Japanese Sword;

CAMERON, ANDREW: 43/6:3 Choji Oil Expose


40/5:12 Club 'O the Month, Hamilton Kendo Club.

41/6:1 Club 'O the Month, Tillsonburg Kendo Club.

42/6:2 Brantford Kendo and Iaido Dojo (club 'o the month);

CHOI, J: 57/7:5 Costa Mesa kendo 20th anniversary tournament;

CHU, JOHN: 64/7:12 Book Review: Sword and Brush by Dave Lowry;

COLLING, MIKE: 31/5:3 Questions.


5/2:3 Footsteps down an echoing pathway;

9/2:7 Letter to the editor;

11/3:2 Questions and comments;

15/3:6 Product reviews, the Fred Loman Company; Decorative finishes on saya;

17/3:8 The old master

19/4:2 Club o' the month; The old master

20/4:3 Sensei Wilf profile

21/4:4 Cool Dudes Duds

23/4:6 Letter from Rupert Digby Dweeb;

25/4:8 Rash O' Mon: Tales of the Irish Ninja

26/4:9 Extract from the Chronicals of Se Mi Naa

27/4:10 Questions

28/4:11 The adventures of Eric the Egg

39/5:11 "There is no room for the 'wildman' or the

'eccentric'" A Personal Observation on the Giri Article for Instructors.


26/4:9 Club o' the month, Shisui Kai Victoria;

34/5:6 The Canadian Iaido Association and Dan Tests in Canada;

60/7:8 Esaka Sensei in Victoria and Vancouver BC;

DEAN, JOHN: 67/8:3 If the Women Don't Get Yer, the Music Will.... I

DEVLIN, DOUG 47(6:7) Police martial arts association founded.

DIGIAMBATTISTA, MARIO: 44/6:4 "A Student's Guide to Self Defence" and "Resisting Sexual Assault" by Kim Taylor, Book Reviews.


50/6:10 Kogen Itto Ryu and the concept of Ai-Uchi

58/7:6 Kogen Itto Ryu Seminar

61/7:9 Classical Kendo Seminar;

63/7:11 Sadao Kotaka, Kogen Itto Ryu: Interview;

74/8:10 Kotaka Sensei in Utah;


52/6:12 A few notes on terminology: swords, mountings and meanings.

56/7:4 Why martial arts can never be standardized: a response;

DVORINE, BILL: 74/8:10 Nishioka and Relnick in MD;

EGUCHI, SOHSHIN trans FUJII, OKIMITSU 62/7:10 Roshukai Visit to England;


3/2:1 Club o' the month, Japanese Swordsmanship Society; 14/3:5 Seminar report;

17/3:8 Seminar report;


61/7:9 Refitting a Military Blade

69/8:5 Refitting a Japanese Military Blade II: Carving a new handle;

70/8:6 Refitting a Japanese Military Blade III Covering the Katana Handle with Same;


51/6:11 Safety in the Iaido Dojo: Keeping the blade attached to the handle;

58/7:6 A brief overview of Japanese sword mounts of the late Muromachi through Edo periods I

60/7:8 A brief overview of Japanese sword mounts of the late Muromachi through Edo periods II

61/7:9 A brief overview of Japanese sword mounts of the late Muromachi through Edo periods III

66/8:2 Wheeling and Dealing at the Japanese Sword Show; 68/8:4 Letter: sword shape;

70/8:6 Clarification of Terminology Concerning 20th Century Japanese Swords;


75/8:11 How Much is That Sword in the Window - or "Where commerce meets art"

76/8:12 How Much is That Sword in the Window - or "Where commerce meets art" Part II;


37/5:9 Origins of Modern Iaido.

41/6:1 Origins of the Japanese Sword; Are Japanese Martial Arts too Specialized?

44/6:4 Are Japanese Martial Arts Too Specialized II (the rebuttal to the rebuttal)

45/6:5 Zen Home Stitchery, Company Review.

47/6:7 Notes concerning the Japanese Naginata, Chinese Kwan- do connection.

48/6:8 Book Review: The martial artist's Book of Five Rings: The definitive interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi's classic book on strategy. by "Hanshi" Steve Kaufman.

49/6:9 Book Review: Shinkage-Ryu Sword Techniques:

Traditional Japanese Martial Arts V. 1&2.

51/6:11 Video Review, Japanese Swordsmanship, Obata


52/6:12 Why martial arts can never be standardized;

53/7:1 Should modern sword exponents practice "free weapons sparring"; Book Review: One hundred strategies of war (brilliant tactics in action) by Wang Xuanming.

55/7:3 Two essential components of an effective martial art; 56/7:4 Yagyu Shinkage Ryu: Alive and well on Long Island; 59/7:7 How Edo Yagyu Shinkage Ryu is different from Owari Yagyu Shinkage Ryu;

60/7:8 A Response to the Response on Standardizing Martial Arts

70/8:6 Reality in Martial Arts?;

73/8:9 Swordsmanship and Its Place in the Reality of Today;

FLANIGAN, JOHN: 72/8:8 Iaido and Jodo in Raleigh, NC;


47(6:7) Update on AUSKF negotiations.

54(7:2) Shu ha ri

61/7:9 No Such Animal as Good Quality Korean Bogu?

63/7:11 7'th MWKF Taikai Report;

69/8:5 Cleveland Taikai; Midwest Kendo Federation

Promotions; Iaido Publication from ZNKR;


70/8:6 Life-giving vs Killing Sword;

72/8:8 Koryu Licensing;

FUJII, OKIMITSU: V6:5 Geneological Information


55/7:3 Steveston Invitational Results;

56/7:4 Second Prarie kendo taikai;

61/7:9 Sunrise Taikai;

64/7:12 Winnipeg Kendo Seminar; Shinai Maintenance;

66/8:2 Adjusting a Do Dai;

68/8:4 Saskatoon Kendo Seminar, Prairie Taikai '96

71/8:7 Twelfth Canadian Kendo Championships;


38/5:10 Ito Sensei's Visit to Canada;

40/5:12 Kendo Without Bogu, Part I;

41/6:1 Kendo Without Bogu, Part II.

42/6:2 Are Japanese Martial Arts Too Specialized? Hell No!; Kendo Without Bogu Part III; A beginner's guide

43/6:3 Kendo Without Bogu Part IV; A beginner's guide 45/6:5 Kendo Without Bogu Part V; A beginner's guide

56/7:4 Kendo in Ottawa; An appeal for assistance;

59/7:7 Guelph seminar: a major success;


13/3:4 Questions and comments;

14/3:5 More ???s from Gary Hall for the readership;

16/3:7 Club o' the month;

23/4:6 Questions;

24/4:7 Tanren Kai Summer Clinic Report;

30/5:2 Report from the East Coast;

32/5:4 Kyudo: Polishing the Mind;

38/5:10 Swords Across the Sea;

39/5:11 Mr. Muhtsyr Yee - Japanese Sword Maker;

60/7:8 International Roshukai Seminar

HALLIGAN, GERRY: 56/7:4 Letter;

HARDMAN, REG: 72/8:8 Toshishiro Obata in Ontario;


6/2:4 Iai-do in the United Kingdom;

9/2:7 Technical notebook, Seitei Mae;

10/3:1 Questions and comments; Technical notebook, Seitei Ushiro and Uke Nagashi;

11/3:2 Technical notebook, Seitei Tsuka Ate;

14/3:5 Technical notebook, Seitei Kesa Giri;

15/3:6 Questions and comments; Technical notebook, Seitei Morote Zuki;

16/3:7 Seminar report; Technical notebook, Seitei Sanpo Giri;

17/3:8 Technical notebook, Seitei Gammen Ate;

18/4:1 Technical notebook, Seitei Soete Zuki;

19/4:2 Technical notebook, Seitei Shiho Giri;

33/5:5 On blocking with the sword;

34/5:6 Uke Nagashi...Double Take;

35/5:7 Canadian Iaido Revisited;

40/5:12 Musashi United Kingdom;

48/6:8 What is Musashi (UK)?

49/6:9 UK situation again.

52/6:12 1994 IMAF (Kokusai Budoin) Master's course;

HAZLEWOOD, KEITH: 51/6:11 Kenseikai Dojo, England;


29/5:1 Country of the Month (Finland);

34/5:6 Bibliography/reviews

44/6:4 Video Reviews: Iaido, Techniques of the Ancient Japanese Samurai Sword, Budogala -88, Budosai -88, VMA

International 4.

65/8:1 Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido in Sapporo;

HICKEY, SEAN: 11/3:2 The art of being together; Club o' the month;

HILL, RICHARD: 63/7:11 Northern Calif. Kendo Championships;

HONDA, TASUKE: 71/8:7 Passing Criteria for Dan Technical Examination;


14/3:5 Club o' the month;

16/4:7 Letter to the editor;

71/8:7 Cone Itchy -Waaah!;

HOUSE, JOHN F: 64/7:12 Hakama Slapping: What is the sound of one pleat folding?;

HOWELL, JOHN: 48/6:8 The British Kendo Association

HYAKUTAKE, COLIN: (see also Watkin, Colin)

51/6:11 Japanese Honorific Terms:

67/8:3 The Spirit of Hagakure;

70/8:6 Concerning Batto Ryu; Modern Family Tree of MJER;

IMAI MASAYUKI: 46/6:6 Comments on the Gorin no Sho, Trans. Colin Watkin.

INAGAKI, MASARU: 45/6:5 International Budo University;

INGHAM, DERYK: 45/6:5 The Arms and Armour Column



15/3:6 Questions and comments, the meaning of Iai;

38/5:10 BKA/Jikiden Iaido Seminar.

39/5:11 The British Kendo Federation Grading and Coaching Syllabus for Iaido; Questions from the Iaido Grading, Dutch Kendo Renmei;

44/6:4 On the Dutch Iaido Test Answers; "Family Tree" Information

45/6:5 Terminology, Henka Waza and Kae Waza;

KALLMEYER, UWE: 45/6:5 Mensur, German University Fencing;

KASK, ANDREW: 70/8:6 Kanji Numbers for Iaido Kata;


46/6:6 Kendo Practice Without Bogou - Another Perspective P.I

47/6:7 Kendo practice without bougu - another perspective PII.

48/6:8 Kendo practice without bougu - another perspective PIII.

KENNEPOHL, DIETMAR 55/7:3 Noble House Shinkage Ryu;


68/8:4 The Last Word, Aldo Nadi;

69/8:5 The Last Word, Aldo Nadi;

72/8:8 PNKF Iaido Seminar, June 29 and 30;

75/8:11 1996 All United States Kendo Championships;


56/7:4 New York Budokai Demos;

60/7:8 Sakura Matsuri, Brooklyn Botanic Garden

71/8:7 On Saya Repairs;

76/8:12 Letter: Why Study Iaido?;

KOHNO HYAKUREN (trans Colin Hyakutake): 70/8:6 Regarding the Size of Katana and Tsuba;


40/5:12 A Letter From Oz;

58/7:6 A visit to Japan: March 1995

59/7:7 The seventh international seminar of budo culture; 62/7:10 Hokushin Shinoh Ryu Iaido and Kenbu;

65/8:1 Book Review: The Bubishi; an Analytical Journey by Patrick McCarthy;


57/7:5 Kihon matters, on "i"; Kihon matters, on "ai"; On seme and seme;

66/8:2 Nioidayo;

67/8:3 Mitori Geiko;

LANC, RADEK: 61/7:9 Czech Kendo Association;

LOWRY, DAVE: 51/6:11 Letter to the editor

MACDOUGALL, GERALD: 44/6:4 Prince Edward Island Iaido

MAKINEN, LEENA: 24/4:7 Club o' the month, Iaido in Finland;

MARSTEN, JEFFREY 47/6:7 Update on AUSKF negotiations.

MATZ, RICK: 19/4:2 Computer network news;


2/1:2 Club o' the month;

7/2:5 Tradition and manners;

15/3:6 Questions and comments;

16/3:7 Seitei grading points at 1991 UK gradings;

17/3:8 (and Okimura) An alphabetical listing of Iaido schools;

18/4:1 Grading report; Seminar report;

22/4:5 Iaido in Texas;

28/4:11 Questions and Answers (of a kind)

29/5:1 Information wanted; Tameshigiri, Iaido and the Warrior Ethos;

32/5:4 Further thoughts on exercise

34/5:6 Iaido News - A Trash Paper; Left Handed Swordsmen. 35/5:7 What part should the ZNKR play in Iaido?

36/5:8 Company Review, Yanagi Martial Arts Supplies.

37/5:9 Book Review, Diary of a Zen Nun by Nan Shin.

38/5:10 Personal Profile and Record Booklets.

51/6:11 Workshop attendance;

MEARS, WILLIAM JR.: 38/5:10 A Seminar from a Ten Year Old's Point of View

MONDAY, NYLE: 36/5:8 Sources of Information, Hoplos and Japan Martial Arts Society.

MORGAN, PAUL 55/7:3 OKF Changeover;


14/3:5 Letter to the editor;

19/4:2 Letter to the editor (Iaido in the USA);

22/4:5 Answers to challenge questions V4:3

32/5:4 Letter, comments and cartoons

33/5:5 Fundemental practice, Kiriotoshi

34/5:6 Fundamental Practice, Fumi Komi exercise

35/5:7 Fundamental Practice, Matawari #1.

36/5:8 Fundamental Practice, Matawari #2.

37/5:9 Fundamental Practice, Nuki Tsuke.

38/5:10 Letter, Role of Kendo Federation; Seitei Iai, Basic Judging and Examination Points, ZNKR; Fundamental Practice, Anatomical Differences;

V5:11 Rules and Regulations for Iaido Examination (ZNKR); The last Question of Baka Taro (cartoon);

51/6:11 Folding your uniform.;

53/7:1 A reply to the article of Mr. Bill Mears;

56/7:4 Aoki Eiji visit;

69/8:5 Washington State Iaido Seminar;

77/9:1 To Judge is to Judge Thyself;

MUTO KAI ROCHESTER: 71/8:7 Sword Handling Safety and Etiquette;

NAKAMURA, KAZ: 69/8:5 *U of Toronto Kendo Tournament;

NAKAMURA, T: 71/8:7 Kata and Kendo;

NICHOLS, BRITT 49/6:9 Media review: Blades 'n Stuff.


4/2:2 Glossary additions and clarification;

7/2:5 Club o' the month; Notes on terminology;

8/2:6 On Iaido practice and "Iaijutsu"; A little more history; Examiner's observations on Seitei Iai performance; 11/3:2 Questions and comments;

16/3:7 Questions and comments;

17/3:8 (and Mears) An alphabetical listing of Iaido schools; 24/4:7 Itto Ryu Geneology (with Taylor)

27/4:10 Advanced concepts;

30/5:2 Comments on Questions;

OSTER, ARNE: 46/6:6 The Musashi UK Spring Seminar;

PAN, DAVID: 77/9:1 Kendo Practice Dummies;

PEPPER, DAVID: 17/3:8 Sword restoration, the inside story;

POLLAND, RICK: 69/8:5 Corrections to Jodo Seminar Report;

POOTERS, ERIK: 32/5:4 Book reviews Bugei Ju-Happan, ZNKR Seitei Gata, Jodo: the way of the stick, Shoden Omori Ryu, Iai: the art of swordsmanship, Kendo no Kata.


20/4:3 The (mis)Adventures of Sam Pie in Jolly Olde England. 37/5:9 The Adventures of Sam Pie in Toronto.

57/7:5 John Ray seminar in Guelph; Sword seminar at Olympic Karate in London Ontario;

63/7:11 Sam Pie in Baltimore;


17/3:8 Safety in the Iaido dojo; Safety regulations for Iaido practice in the Japanese Swordsmanship Society;

34/5:6 Left Handed Swordsmen


32/5:4 Editorial letter;

40/5:12 Sword Periods in Japanese History, Part I;

41/6:1 Sword Periods in Japanese History, Part II.

42/6:2 Sword Periods in Japanese History, Part III incl. bibliography

43/6:3 State of Kendo Federations in USA

49/6:9 Media review: Martial Arts Gazette, American Aiki Newspaper.

50/6:10 USA Kendo Reunification

54(7:2) EUSKF presidential election

55/7:3 Takuan and the tiger; Circles;

57/7:5 Shinken for sale;

58/7:6 Test Cutting Shiai Video Review

59/7:7 18th EUSKF Kendo championships; 1st (and last) KFUSA Iaido championships;

60/7:8 Iai Demo in PA

62/7:10 USA: Kenzen Iaido Seminar Aug 12&13; Mitsuzuka Seminar Aug 18-20; Roving Reporter Visits Gasshuku in Maryland; 64/7:12 Date Masamune and Kita Shichidayu; Blade Shape for Iaido;

65/8:1 Japanese Calendar Systems;

70/8:6 In Memory, Paul Sylvain;


10/3:1 Club o' the month;

30/5:2 Comments on Questions;

55/7:3 Mae;

56/7:4 Kaeshaku;

57/7:5 Itomagoi;

59/7:7 My recent visit to Guelph; West coast Esaka sensei seminar;

RAYMOND, MATTHEW: 54(7:2) Akita kendo visit to Canada;

REID, COREY: 67/8:3 Sugino Dojo: Studying Katori Shinto Ryu in Japan;


22/4:5 Answers to challenge questions of 4:3;

38/5:10 A Return to Tokyo;

39/5:11 Interview with Furuoka Nitousai;

40/5:12 An Introduction to Iai-Giri-do;

42/6:2 An Alternative Translation of Nuki Uchi.

45/6:5 Sageo Control and Kata Names;


57/7:5 Fire-flies, a story;

65/8:1 Surf Rider;

66/8:2 "Kanemitsu the Bean-cutter" and "Kanemitsu the Rifle-cutter";

67/8:3 A Tale of Old Swords from 'Japan Times';

68/8:4 Hatcho-nembutsu;

69/8:5 * Rosary-hanger;

70/8:6 "Kanemitsu the Bean-cutter" and "Kanemitsu the Rifle-cutter";

71/8:7 The Lady of the Sword;

RIORDAN, PETER: 68/8:4 General Principals for Teaching Kendo;

ROBINSON, N. (ROBBIE): 65/8:1 Wellington NZ Iaido Club;


SEFOR, BUSTER: 61/7:9 Introductions;

SEKIGUCHI TAKAAKI: 44/6:4 Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Geneology

SCHWERDTFEGER, DALE: 5/2:3 Club o' the month;

SHIMODA, MASAHARU AND KAWAGUCHI TSUGIO: 54(7:2) USA kendo reunification;


55/7:3 Letter;

59/7:7 Letter: Yagyu Shinkage Ryu;


33/5:5 Daily Medicine, Sonori Ni recipe

36/5:8 Daily Medicine, Tofu Dipping Sauces.

SOSNOWSKI, RAY 77/9:1 4th USNF Naginata Tournament; A Brief Introduction to Atarashii Naginata;


37/5:9 New Videos; Iaido Group Meeting Report; Technical Notebook, Daidokoro Ryu Cane Techniques.

43/6:3 Contact List Update summary

59/7:7 Spring Iaido gradings in Japan;

64/7:12 New United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF);

68/8:4 32nd Annual Vancouver Kendo Tournament; 34th Annual Steveston Invitational Kendo Tournament;

71/8:7 FACTS AND FIGURES on the 1995 summer ZNKR Kendo seminar in Japan; Sources of Information about Travel to Japan on the Internet; International Kendo Web Pages; Canadian Kendo Federation General Meeting Newsflash;

72/8:8 1997 Canadian Kendo Team for World Championships in Kyoto;


76/8:12 Amsterdam Iaido Seminar Technical Notes Part I; 77/9:1 Amsterdam Iaido Seminar Technical Notes Part II;

STEIN, RICHARD: 54(7:2) Sword joke


58/7:6 1995 Australian Open

61/7:9 Australian University Games Results;

62/7:10 Australia: ACT Championships;

65/8:1 Australia: NSW Kendo Championships;

69/8:5 Australian National Championships;

75/8:11 1996 Australian University Games;


44/6:4 KFUSA and Iaido, A Board Member's Perspective. 47/6:7 KFUSA Memorial day seminar report.

61/7:9 Hakama and Shinai Construction;

77/9:1 Nakakura Hai Kendo Taikai;


39/5:11 Comments on JAMA article;

43/6:3 How to Hold the Japanese Sword

46/6:6 Yamaguchi Katsuo video tapes

SYKES, MARK: 15/3:6 Club o' the month;


17/3:8 Club o' the month, (and a bit of a seminar review thrown in).

35/5:7 What part should the ZNKR play in Iaido?; What is a dojo supposed to look like?; Views on the Iaido Newsletter.


1/1:1 Club o' the month; Technical notebook, Seitei Mae; 2/1:2 Technical notebook, Seitei Ushiro and Uke Nagashi; Learning the Martial Arts;

3/2:1 Technical notebook, Seitei Tsuka Ate; Learning Iaido 4/2:2 Technical notebook, Seitei Kesa Giri; Tanden bo practice or how to have arms like Popeye;

5/2:3 Technical notebook, Seitei Morote Zuki; The dojo miss manners; Tanden bo or tanren bo?

6/2:4 Technical notebook, Seitei Sanpo Giri; The sword through the Meiji period;

7/2:5 Technical notebook, Seitei Gammen Ate; The Omori Ryu; 8/2:6 Technical notebook, Seitei Soete Zuki; Seitei Shiho Giri;

9/2:7 Some thoughts from Ohmi Sensei on questions posed by Malcolm Copp-Taylor; CKF Grading requirements;

10/3:1 The names of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu;

12/3:3 IKF Iaido testing requirements; Iaido in the new age; The practice of seiza;

13/3:4 Questions and comments; Kotodama and kiai; Technical notebook Seitei saho; Reishiki / etiquette;

14/3:5 Seminar report; Advertisements and articles (policy); 15/3:6 Questions and comments;

17/3:8 CKF grading requirements;

18/4:1 Tachi Uchi no Kurai

19/4:2 Book review (Japanese Swordsmanship);

20/4:3 Book review (Iaido: The way of the sword); Editorial and challenge questions

21/4:4 Injuries in Iaido I; Technical notebook, Omori ryu and Shoden (Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu and Muso Shinden Ryu) 1. Mae; 22/4:5 Book review (Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu by Mitani); Technical notebook, Migi/Sato, Hidari/Uto, Ushiro/Atarito; 23/4:6 Editorial; Injuries in Iaido II; Technical notebook, Yae Gaki/Inyo Shintai;

24/4:7 Book review (Iai by Shewan); Understanding the Iai Kata; Itto Ryu Geneology (with F. Okimura); Technical notebook, Uke Nagashi/Ryuto

25/4:8 Editorial.

26/4:9 Book Review (The Deity and the Sword, 3 vols. (Otake); Sei Do Kai summer seminar report; Samurai Self Defence; Technical notebook, Kaeshaku/Junto;

27/4:10 Book Review, Naked Blade and Crimson Steel, (Obata); Interview by mail questions; A Japanese Chronology; The Tanto; Technical notebook, Tsuke Komi/Gyakuto;

28/4:11 Book Review, ZNKR Seitei Iai, (Fujii); Chronology, the Momoyama and the Edo; Resource Materials List - Iaido; Technical notebook, Tsuki Kage/Seichuto;

29/5:1 Rehabilitation of Injuries; Resource Materials List - Samurai History; Book Review, Iai (Craig); Technical notebook, Oi Kaze/Koranto

30/5:2 Editorial; Resource Materials List; Stretching for Sword; Technical notebook, Yae Gaki Kaewaza/Gyakute Inyo Shintai; 31/5:3 Past due answer; Resource Materials List; The sword of Captain G. Sinclair; Review, magazines and journals; Technical notebook, Nuki Uchi/Batto;

32/5:4 Left Handed Swordsmen; Technical notebook, Keshi Ryu 1. Mae Goshi.

33/5:5 More on stretching; Technical Notebook, Keshi Ryu 2. Muso Gaeshi.

34/5:6 Terminology, Footwork and Stances; The Kage Ryu; Technical Notebook, Keshi Ryu 3. Migi no Teki.

35/5:7 Book Review, Samadhi by Mike Sayama; Technical Notebook, Keshi Ryu 4. Mawari Gake; Training Suggestions.

36/5:8 Book Review, Sword of no Blade, Joan Baxter; Giri, What Students are Responsible for; The Koryu Ken Schools, Shinto Ryu; Technical Notebook, Keshi Ryu 5. Shiho.

37/5:9 Giri, What Instructors are Responsible for; Summer Seminar notes or how to wear out your visitors from Japan. 40/5:12 Book Review, Aikido Masters: Prewar Students of Morihei Ueshiba;

43/6:3 The Way and the Power by Fredrick Lovret: Book Review 47/6:7 The U. Guelph summer seminar.

50/6:10 Book Review: The art of Japanese Swordsmanship: manual of Eishin-Ryu Iaido by Nicklaus Suino; Book Review: The Monograph: UC martial arts silver anniversary monograph ed. Ken Min; The Iaido Newsletter hits 50.

52/6:12 The 1994 U. Guelph Open Iaido Taikai;

57/7:5 Budo Organizations;

58/7:6 (transcription): Yagyu Shinkage Ryu headmaster in New York City I

59/7:7 More on the Spring Seminar;

62/7:10 (transcription): The Yagyu Shinkage Ryu in New York City II: Yagyu Nobuharu's lecture at the Japan society; 64/7:12 Book Review: Practice Drills for Japanese

Swordsmanship, by Nicklaus Suino; The Yagyu Shinkage Ryu in New York City III: Yagyu Nobuharu's speach at the United Nations (transcription);

67/8:3 Rick Polland Jodo Seminar at University of Guelph; *Media Watch; *Technical Section, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Tate Hiza no Bu: Introduction

68/8:4 Book Review: The Secrets of Aikido by John Stevens; *Media Watch; *Technical Pages, MJER Tate Hiza 1. Yoko Gumo; *Editorial: Sharing the Wealth;

69/8:5 2nd Guelph Open Iaido Taikai; John Ray Interview; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 2. Tora no Issoku;

70/8:6 In Memory, Paul Sylvain; Some Thanks Regarding the Seminar; Editorial; *Media Notes; *Trade Secrets; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 3. Ina Zuma;

71/8:7 *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 4. Uki Gumo;

72/8:8 An Interview with Matthew Raymond; Media Reviews; *Guelph School of Sword Arts; *Iaido as Spiritual Exercise; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 5. Oroshi;

73/8:9 An Interview with Matthew Raymond II; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 6. Iwa Nami;

74/8:10 Some Thoughts on Making Bokuto; Media Reviews; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 7. Uroko Gaeshi *Can a Budo be Pure?;

75/8:11 In Memory, Frank Hatashita; Book Review: The Shambhala Guide to Aikido by John Stevens; Media Reviews; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 8. Nami Gaeshi; *Can a Budo be Pure? Part II;

76/8:12 *Media Reviews; *Editorial: Dojo and Family; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 9. Taki Otoshi;

77/9:1 1996 CKF Iai Gradings; *Book Review: The Complete Book of Knife Fighting by William L. Cassidy; *Book Review: Cold Steel: Technique of Close Combat by John Styers; *Book Review: Slash and Thrust by John Sanchez; *Media Reviews; *Technical Pages: MJER Tate Hiza 10. Makko; *Editorial: On Grading;

THOMPSON, RICK: 67/8:3 Kata and Dancing;

UNKNOWN AUTHOR: 70/8:6 Monk Humor;


70/8:6 XIV. European Kendo Championships;

76/8:12 The Finnish Kendo Championship;

VAN DE WIJNGAART, AAD: 73/8:9 Amsterdam Iido and Jodo Seminar;


63/7:11 ZNKR Summer Camp 1995;

75/8:11 Top Ten Reasons Kendo is not a Sport;

VINEY, WINDSOR: 46/6:6 "Songs of the Sword" by Kim Taylor, Book Review

WATKIN, COLIN: (also see Hyakutake, Colin)

44/6:4 News from Japan;

45/6:5 Sadoh (The Way of Tea) and Gishi Chakai (Warrior's Tea Ceremony)

47/6:7 Profile: Okimitsu Fujii Sensei.

48/6:8 How different is Japan?

49/6:9 Kendo Profile: Ogata Hiroyuki

WATERING, STEVE: 20/4:3 Seminar report;

WEST, PETER 49/6:9 Why do we change legs?

WINSLOW, DONNA: 4/2:2 Club o' the month;


53/7:1 Heijyoshin: Basis of Iaido;

63/7:11 Competition in Iaido;

WISSMATH, KLAUS: 52/6:12 Iaido in Germany

WORTMAN, JEFFREY 49/6:9 BKR-KFUSA unification update.


49/6:9 Japanese and Chinese Swords.

66/8:2 To the Iaido Newsletter;

69/8:5 More on Saki Zori;

YOKOYAMA HIROMICHI 74/8:10 Thoughts from Yamamoto Harusuke;