Zen Ken Ren Iaidō Short Course “Coaching Points”
終りの刀礼 Owari no reihō, Final bow to the sword
脱刀 Datō - Sword Removal
Some people overextend when “pulling the katana out slightly to the right front”.
刀のとり方 Katana no Torikata – Way of taking up the Katana
are no set rules regarding the angle of the sword (while lifting it up
approximately 45 degrees) at the precise moment when the katana is
stood up smoothly and calmly to the center front without a pause in the
下げ緒捌き Sageo Sabaki – Sageo Handling
Sageo sabaki (movement) is not specified because each ryu-ha or school has their own style.
Sahō (Reihō) for the 2 nd testing round, the “koryu” portion, of the ‘Iaido 8 Dan Shinsa’ is Zen Ken Ren Iai Sahō (Reihō).
1 両つま先の立て方は錬度によって(一本目「前」も同様)。
way of placing the balls of both feet on the ground simultaneously
varies depending upon each practioner’s proficiency (this is the same
as in Ippon Me “Mae”).
2 敵は真後ろではなく、わずかに正面左寄り。
The teki (enemy) is not directly behind you, rather, when you face him he is a bit to the left of your starting center.
1 居合膝から腰を上げたとき、左足のつま先を左膝の真後ろに立てる。
As the hips come up out of iai hiza, place the ball of the left foot directly behind the left knee.
After stabbing the rear teki, turn to face the teki at shōmen, position
the katana as it is pulled out with furi kaburi (above head), rotate on
the left knee to return the left foot to its original position, at this
time the hips are naturally positioned toward teki, and the katana will
naturally come out into the furi kaburi position.
(There is no point in doing the hiki nuku motion again) Note: Hiki nuku means to extract the sword by pulling.
For many people the kensen is not returned within the space at the top
of the shoulders following the upward cut from the teki’s right waist
along the gyaku kesa reverse diagonal line.
2 剣先が敵の左肩口を切り抜けてから刀を返す。
The kensen is returned after it cuts thru the teki’s left collar
1 「中段におろす」とは、左手の位置は自分のへそ前約ひと握りのところとし、剣先は敵の喉の高さにつけるということ。
chudan with your left hand grip about one fist width in front of your
navel with the kensen at the height of teki’s throat.
2 中段からの突きは、間をおくことなく一連の動きで。
From chudan, the tsuki is executed smoothly without a pause in the timing.
3 「刀を引き抜きながら」という動作は、あらためてしなくても、剣先を突いた水月の位置から下げないで、柄頭から頭上に振りかぶれば、自然に「引き抜きながら」となる。
do not actually pull the sword for the hiki nuki action, the kensen
does not drop down from the location of the solar plexus thrust, the
tsuka gashira is swung up overhead, and the hiki nuki will happen
4 三人の敵はほぼ同一線上に立つ。
The three teki are standing roughly on the same line.
5 向き直るとき左足を左へ踏みかえる。
The left foot steps to the left when you turn around.
6 「刀を引き抜きながら」は、腰の回転と共に「受け流しに」という動作が加わる。
The sword is pulled out as the hip rotation is added to the uke nagashi action.
7 受け流しに頭上に振りかぶるとき、柄頭から先に上がるようにする。
The overhead uke nagashi upward movement starts from the tsuka gashira.
踏みかえについて Concerning the Fumikae Stepping
Happonme, Jyupponme fumikae stepping differs. Since the teki positions
for each situation varies, the fumikae step required in each case will
be done differently.
-Ropponeme (Morote Tsuki) 三人の敵はほぼ同一線上に立つ
3 teki standing on roughly the same line
-Happoneme (Ganmen Ate) 後方の敵はほぼ身一つ左に立つ
Rear teki is about a body’s width to the left
-Jyupponeme (Shihō Giri) 四人の敵は四方に立つ(別途詳説する)
4 teki standing in all directions
(see separate detailed explanation)
1 「敵を圧しながら」とは気攻めであるから、正面に向ってあまり刀を抜き出さないように。
While pressuring the teki, and facing shōmen with the spirit of attacking, do not over-draw the sword.
2 右の敵の頭上からあごまで抜き打ちするとき、剣先で上から下へ円を描くような抜き方をしないように。
the nuki uchi draw toward the right teki, the up to down cut from
overhead to the ago (throat) is not done in a circular path.
1 右足を軸に左回りに回って左足を左に踏みかえると、後ろの敵の位置は身一つ左へずれる。
Pivot on the right foot to turn toward the rear teki, turn left by shifting the left foot about one body width as you step.
2 後ろの敵の水月を突き刺すとき、「刀を水平にして右上腰に当てた右こぶしは、左手を後方へ強く引く力を伴いつつ、手のうちを締めながら切っ先を正体した自分の正中線に向けて突き出す。
thrusting to the rear teki’s solar plexus, when the right fist is at
the hip it holds the sword horizontally, aiming up to the right, the
left hand pulls back strongly, and ‘te no uchi’ is used to make the
thrust while naturally putting the kensen on your centerline.
kensen points to the solar plexus for the rear thrust, the right fist
is slightly lower than the kensen and the kensen is a bit inward from
the right side or your body.)
1 血振りが他の「横血振り」と異なる点は、刃先の向きにそって「右に開いての血振り」で、血振りをしたとき、右こぶしの位置は右斜め前方にあって、その高さは左手と水平にしない。
chiburi check points are different from those in “yoko chiburi”, after
chiburi the blade edge is “opened up parallel to your right” and
positioned with the right fist not at the same height as your left fist
on the right front diagonal.
1 刀を受け流しに頭上に振りかぶるとき、左足をわずか後方へ退いてもよい。
Slightly step back with the left foot as you lift the sword up overhead to do the uke nagashi action.
2 刀の抜き出し方は「差しなり」である。
Start the sword draw with a rising up “sashinari” action.
3 正面の敵の腰腹部を水平に切るとき、正体した自分の左上腰に刀を水平にして、正面の敵の右腰腹部から左腰腹部を(およそ180度まで)水平に切る。
cutting the front teki’s koshi hip area, naturally hold the sword
horizontal at your upper left hip and then cut teki’s lumbar and
abdominal area horizontally from the right side to the left side
(approximately 180 degrees).