Arai sensei judging notes 2013
by Kim Taylor
2013 Jodo Grading Seminar
Arai sensei presenting
Sunday May 19 4/5 dan jodoka. Both of these (iaido too) were informal sessions so
the document organization is somewhat freeform. All mistakes are the
fault of the notetaker (Kim Taylor). There were many questions so
again, the organization is not great.
Shogo dankyu regulations manuscript was out in 2012 so look up. All 3 arts, all ranks, what to look for.
1. Dress: kendogi, blue and blue or white and white. 4dan and up should be the same fabric, cotton and cotton etc.
2. Posture when striking, look at this.
3. Good kiai when striking
4. Zanshin at the end of the kata
5. Maai, at awase, a good cross, even and the right distance (10 cm)
6. If the jo misses completely, tell them to start again.
- Look at all 10 techniques in the test (5jo, 5tachi) look at the overall
performance, don't concentrate on one or two mistakes, if one thing is
bad and one thing is good, perhaps they even out. If it is generally a
good performance for that rank, it should be a pass.
Don't look critically at the performance, look at what is good. The
challengers put a lot of work into their jo, it's up to us to recognize
this and pass them. In Kendo the effort is apparent, in jo we have kata
so we can look for more comprehension, in kendo there's one part to the
performance, if they do well at that they pass. For jo we can look at
more things more carefully, so we must keep this in mind.
We should look for ways to keep the students moving on in the ranks.
At 4dan and above it is time to change our thinking on the challengers
somewhat, if they miss the sword or lose their grip on a change it
becomes a fail point so teach the upper grades not to miss or drop the
If the sword is stripped from the hands both sides come to osame,
motono ichi and then bow and the tachi retrieves the sword. If it is
the end of the kata move on to the next. If it happened in the middle,
restart the kata.
If your partner is bad but not testing, or bad and testing (misses
etc.) judges may restart the kata to give the other partner a
Judges do not assign partners, the challenger must bring their own.
Partners can be the same rank or one down (subject to availability).
6 to 8dan the partners are in a rotating system, and lined up by age
similar to kendo, abcd, a tachi, b jo, then b tachi, c jo, c tachi, d
jo, d tachi and a jo.
Time to grade is set, if you win a major tournament within one year of
your test you may be allowed to grade early, the maximum early time is
one year.
There are no juban in jodo
Zekken for tournament, no zekken for gradings. Zekken must match the
uniform, blue with white stitching for blue top. Writing on a hakama is
fine, no need to cover.
Written tests: At 5dan and below, not for kyu in Tokyo, ie, 1-5dan. The
test is given to the judges on the day of the test and they go through
them then. In smaller areas they write the test on the day. You can
fail for a bad test but usually you are asked to rewrite it. The
written tests are read after the physical test is done. The test must
be 100% sufficient for a pass.
Renshi: One year after 6dan, a written essay, you get one extra chance if you fail.
Location: up to 5dan is done locally, tests are sent to Tokyo and
certificates issued from there. 6 and 7dan are two per year, one in
Tokyo in January and one in August which moves around the 47
- Numbers: In Japan there are about 30,000 jo, 600,000 iai and 3
million kendo
Judges, on the day do not speak to the challengers. Judges are
separated physically from the challengers until the test. Once you
enter the testing area the judges should not talk to each other.
There is usually a 30 minute seminar for the judges before the grading,
this outlines what is happening in the grading and does NOT include
things like how many people to pass etc.
Tachi-ai speaks to the challengers and runs the grading, the judges
simply judge. Dress for judges should be similar (suit and suit,
keikogi and keikogi), in Japan ties can be any colour for a grading
(red-orange for shiai).
After the test the results are NOT discussed and the head judge will
never reverse a decision. If a judge displays bad behaviour in marking
etc, the head judge will talk to or remove the judge but his votes are
never changed and the results stand.
Injuries are reported to tachi-ai and they are noted for the judges.
Pairs are lined up by age with youngest toward the judges and tachi on the judges right.