as of 2003
44 Inkerman Street
Guelph Ontario
N1H 3C5
Tel: 519-836-4357
519-824-4120 ext 53700
Fax: 519-836-9873
OBJECTIVE: To apply my extensive research, organizational,
motivational and communication skills in a variety of ways that challenge
my abilities.
Experience in biochemical analysis and research laboratory practices from
research through publication of papers in peer reviewed publications.
Experience in all aspects of biotechnology, from benchtop through production
and analysis of product.
Communication skills through teaching, writing, editing instructional publications
and as a motivational trainer.
Managerial and supervisory experience in diverse environments.
Sales and negotiation skills developed through SDKsupplies, and committee
work including UGSA/USWA 4120 contract negotiations.
Innovative development of flexible organizations with specific goals and
Msc. 1985 Microbiology. University of Guelph. Cloning and Characterization
of F. Succinogenes cellulase genes and enzymes. Supervisor: Dr.
C. W. Forsberg
Bsc. 1980. Major in Biology, Minor in Philosophy, University of Guelph.
Senior Matriculation Certificate, University of Guelph (High School Equivalent
for early entry to University of Guelph)
of Molecular Biology to work for Dr. Alan Wildeman and Dr. Stan Blecher
Winter semester 1996. Returned Fall semester 1996 by request. DNA isolation,
transformation, sequence analysis, subcloning, isolation of highly purified
plasmid. PCR sexing of animal tissue. Expression of fusion proteins using
pGEX system. Electrophoresis of DNA and proteins. Management of laboratory
Seconded to Crop Science (Dr. Ann Clark) 2003 for work on analysis of forage
with respect to bovine cropping selection.
ANIMAL SCIENCE Developed novel methods of chromatographic and biochemical
analysis and published several papers on these methods. Established and
managed departmental stockroom, annual budget of $35,000. Trained current
manager. Prepared and presented departmental safety lectures to Graduate
students. Prepared and taught graduate and undergraduate student laboratory
sessions. Advise Graduate students on technical aspects and design of their
research programs. Industry liaison for departmental equipment purchases.
Experienced in all aspects of academic research laboratory equipment use.
ATHLETICS: Taught courses in CPR and several sports.
Initiated, authored, and coordinator for Women's Safety Program including
motivational seminars to over 1000 students and staff members from 1986
to present.
CHEMISTRY: Monoclonal Antibody work, paper published
with Dr. Janet Wood. (1985-86)
CROP SCIENCE: Supervised up to 5 technical staff in
breeding and production of Triticale, a bioengineered grain. Developed
and wrote computer automated data collection and analysis program interfacing
dataloggers, personal computers and the mainframe computer. (1979-1983)
FINE ARTS: Life model. (1979)
MICROBIOLOGY: 1. Graduate Teaching Assistantship during
MSc program 2. Enzyme characterization F. succinogenes Xylanase.
Papers published with Dr. Cecil Forsberg. (1983-1985)
ZOOLOGY: Microscopy and Computer programming. (1982)
SIMPSON TIMBER CO. Fox Creek ALTA. Heavy equipment
operator, promoted to evaluation of cut timber.
ELGIN HANDLE CO. St. Thomas ONT. Production and finishing,
promoted to quality control.
FARM HAND various tobacco farms.
Other business activities
SDKsupplies, a martial arts related supply company that deals with production,
sourcing, import/export, and sales of equipment and educational aids for
the practice of martial arts.
Volunteer work, organizations:
Current vice president of Ontario Kendo Federation
Current member of National grading board for Canadian Kendo Federation
(CKF), iaido section
Current member of National grading board for CKF, jodo section
Current head of CKF Jodo Section
Former member Canadian Aikido Federation executive board
Former United Steel Workers of America local 4120 executive and negotiation
committee member
Former University of Guelph Staff Association executive and negotiation
committee member
Undergraduate Student Senator (University of Guelph)
Interhall Council member (University of Guelph)
Volunteer work, media:
Listowner, iaido-l an email discussion list of over 1500 members
Listowner of several other discussion lists (web-based)
CKF webmaster and newsletter editor
Associate Editor, Journal of Asian Martial Arts (Academic journal)
Editor of The Iaido Newsletter, an international sport magazine published
since 1987
Editor of The Iaido Newsletter, an international sport magazine published
since 1987
Editor of The Journal of Japanese Sword Arts
Columnist for Bugeisha: Traditional Martial Artist quarterly magazine
Columnist for Martial Arts Free Press, a tabloid newspaper bimonthly
Publisher and Editor for Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences
(8 e-journals, one encyclopedia)
Editor in Chief of Martial Arts Fitness (glossy print newsstand magazine
with distribution in USA and Canada)
Columnist for several other martial arts and sports magazines
Volunteer work, education:
Initiated, developed and coordinated the Guelph School of Japanese Sword
Arts with the Office of Open Learning, now in its eighth year
Organize, promote and direct international instructional sport seminars
at the University of Guelph over the past fifteen years including two current
events with international instructors and over 300 participants.
Seminars and lectures on Women's Self Defence for high schools, UG residences
and Guelph Interaction Conference for over 10 years
Current chief instructor, University of Guelph Iaido and Jodo club
Former instructor, University of Guelph Aikido club
Writing, media production:
Written, illustrated, edited, produced and published several books using
mainly Wordperfect and digital reproduction
Written, produced and published several instructional videos including
digital editing and production of VCD (Video Compact Disk, a form of DVD)
and VHS product. Familiar with several digital video editing programs.
Reporting and interviewing skills including transcription from notes and
tape recorders
Sports and fitness photography for martial art journals using manual and
automatic (focus and exposure) digital and film cameras.
All aspects of Black and White film photography, including wet chemical
development of negative film and printing.
Digital colour and black and white photography including digital editing
on such programs as Adobe Photoshop and Ulead Photoimpact.
Write, design, maintain and produce content for 7 websites requiring familiarity
with html editing and ftp. See for example:,
Production of e-books
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1998. Colorimetric assays for the detection of Asaxanthin
in fish and fish feed. Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol. In Preparation.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1998. A colorimetric pentose sugar assay and its use as
a measurement of hemicellulose. Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol. In Preparation.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1998. The extraction of feedstuffs for the direct measurement
of the carbohydrate fractions. Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol. In Preparation.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1997. A colorimetric formaldehyde assay. Appl. Biochem.
and Biotechnol. 68(1-2):81-93.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1996. A simple colorimetric assay for muramic acid, lactic
acid, glyceraldehyde, acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. Appl. Biochem. and
Biotechnol. 56(1):49-58.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1995. A colorimetric method for the quantitation of fructose.
Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol 53(3):215-227.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1995. A modification of the phenol sulfuric acid method
of total sugar determination. Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol. 53(3):207-214.
Taylor, K.A.C.C. 1993. A colorimetric method for the quantitation of galacturonic
acid. Appl. Biochem. and Biotechnol. 43:51-54.
Taylor, K.A. and J.G. Buchanan-Smith, 1992. A colorimetric method for the
quantitation of uronic acids, and a specific assay for galacturonic acid.
Anal. Biochem. 201:190-196.
Taylor, K.A., B. Crosby, M. McGavin, C.W. Forsberg and D.Y. Thomas 1987.
Characteristics of the Endoglucanase Encoded by a cel Gene from Bacteroides
succinogenes Expressed in Escherichia coli. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology 53:41-46.
Wood, J.M., K.A.C.C. Taylor, D.J. McClellan, G.G. Lawrie, R.L. Krogsrud
and T.J Beveridge. 1987. Isolation and Characterization of monoclonal antibodies
to proline dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli K-12. Biochem. Cell
Biol. 65:507-513
Sipat, A, K.A. Taylor, R.Y.C. Lo, C.W. Forsberg and P.J. Krell, 1987. Molecular
Cloning of an Xylanase Gene from Bacteroides succinogenes and its
Expression in Escherichia coli. Applied and Experimental Microbiology
Forsberg, C.W., K. Taylor, B. Crosby, D.Y. Thomas. 1986 The characteristics
and cloning of bacterial cellulases. in "Biotechnonogy and Renewable Energy"
ed. Moo-Young, M., S. Hasnain, and J. Lamptey. Elsevier Applied Science
Publishers, London. p. 101-111.
Taylor, K.A. 1997. Omori Ryu Iaido, History and Practice. Journal of Asian
Martial Arts 6(1):80-103.
Taylor, K.A. 1996. An Interview with Matsuo Haruna. Journal of Asian Martial
Arts 5(2):80-89.
Donohue J.J. and Taylor, K.A. 1994. The Classification of the Fighting
Arts. Journal of Asian Martial Arts 3(4):10-37.
Taylor, K.A. 1994. Use of the Knife and Short Staff in Aikido Training.
Journal of Asian Martial Arts 3(4):64-103.
Taylor K. 1993. The History of Iaido: A Japanese Sword Art. J. Asian Martial
Arts. 2(3):37-63.
K.A. Taylor, 1997, Iaido: Life in the Balance. Bugeisha 2(March):26-30.
K.A. Taylor, 1996, The Formation of the Japanese Sword Schools. Martial
Arts Free Press 1(6):7 Aug-October.
K.A. Taylor, 1995, Kendo in Canada: a secret national resource. Canadian
Martial Arts Magazine: 2(2):14-15,30.
K.A. Taylor 1995, Aikido and Self Defence, Aikido Today Magazine 9(1):13-14.
K.A. Taylor, 1994-5. Niten Ichi Ryu: The Sword of Miyamoto Musashi. Furyu:
The budo magazine of classical Japanese martial arts and culture, Issue
#3 Winter p. 27-33.
K.A. Taylor, 1994-5. Fred Fimio: A Passion for Swords. Furyu: The budo
magazine of classical Japanese martial arts and culture, Issue #3 Winter
p. 72-73.
K.A. Taylor, 1994. A History of the Sei Do Kai. Furyu: The budo magazine
of classical Japanese martial arts and culture, Issue #2 Fall.
K.A. Taylor, 1994. Iaido in Canada. Canadian Martial Arts Magazine: Spring.
K.A. Taylor, 1996. Flashing Steel: Mastering Eishin-Ryu Swordsmansip by
Masayuki Shimabukuro and Leonard J. Pellman, Journal of Asian Martial Arts
K.A. Taylor, 1994-95, Samadhi by Mike Sayama. Furyu: The budo magazine
of classical Japanese martial arts and culture, Issue #3 Winter p. 67.
K.A. Taylor, 1994. The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship: A manual of Eishin-Ryu
Iaido by Nicklaus Suino, Furyu: The budo magazine of classical Japanese
martial arts and culture, Issue #2 Fall.
K.A. Taylor, 1994. The Japanese Art of War by Thomas Cleary, Journal of
Asian Martial Arts 3(2)
K.A. Taylor, 1994. Zen and the Samurai by Thomas L. King, Journal of Asian
Martial Arts 3(2)
K.A. Taylor and D. Blue III, 1994, One Hundred Masterpieces from the collection
of Compton, Journal of Asian Martial Arts: Journal of Asian Martial Arts
K.A. Taylor, 1997. Iaido, in The Encyclopedia of World Sport.
K.A. Taylor, 2001. Iaido, in Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia.
A Student's Guide to Self Defence: A discussion of practical self protection
150 pgs
Resisting Sexual Assault: A manual of resistance strategies for escaping
sexual assault 8x10" 130 pgs
Kim's Big Book of Iaido Volume 1: The Manual 8X10" 108 pgs
Kim's Big Book of Iaido Volume 2: Seitei Gata (Zen Ken Ren Iai) 8x10"
100 pgs
Kim's Big Book of Iaido Volume 3: Omori Ryu 8x10" 94 pgs
Kim's Big Book of Iaido Volume 4: Eishin Ryu 8x10" 127 pgs
Kim's Big Book of Iaido Volume 5: Oku Iai 8x10" 100 pgs
The Little Book of Jodo (With Eric Tribe) 8x10" 140 pgs.
Songs of the Sword 5X8" 100 pgs.
Niten Ichi Ryu: The sword art of Musashi Miyamoto 8x10" 100 pgs
Cane for Personal Protection, in production
Ukemi: the Other Side of Aikido, in production
TIN/JJSA Collected (15 volumes) 8x10 inches, 100 pages
Hammerterz Forum Collected 8x10 inches, 364 pages
Getting a Grip: Judo in the Nikkei Communities of the Pacific Northwest,
1900-1950 Joseph R. Svinth 2003. EJMAS press trade paperback, 300pgs
Ruminant Nutrition Group lab manual.
Hands Off! Common Sense Self Defence.
Martial arts group discussion manual.
22 instructional videotapes produced.
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Last Updated April 30, 2003 by Kim