From "The little book of Jodo" available from SDKsuppliesZNKR Jodo Kata
Tachi (uchidachi) and jo (shidachi) start five (5) normal walking steps away from each other. Tachi is carrying the sword in his left hand at his left side with the elbow extended. The angle is natural and the tsuka gashira points to the front. Edge is up. Shidachi is standing in tsune no kamae.When "sogo no rei" is called Shidachi lowers the josaki (motoe) so the other end of the jo makes contact with the back of the shoulder, and both sides bow from the waist. Angle is about 15 degrees. At the end of the bow uchidachi brings the sword to taito, and places the thumb on the tsuba. Shidachi returns to tsune no kamae. Tachi draws to chudan no kamae while stepping forward with the right foot. Then steps with the left foot to enter hasso no kamae.All kata end with uchidachi in the hodoku position, feet together. To enter hasso no kamae step forward with the right foot to take chudan kamae, and then step forward with the left foot to take hasso no kamae.Note:
Tachi is always slightly ahead of jo. Tachi starts the attacks and is in control of both the timing and distance (maai).Notation: Shidachi - jo side.
Uchidachi - Tachi side.
(RFF) - Right Foot Forward
(LFF) - Left Foot ForwardThere are 12 Kata in Seitei Gata, their names are:
1. Tsukizue 7. Kasumi 2. Suigetsu 8. Tachi Otoshi 3. Hissage 9. Rai Uchi 4. Shamen 10. Seigan 5. Sakan 11. Midare Dome 6. Monomi 12. Ranai 1. TSUKI ZUE (reaching stick) (ski-zoo-ay)
Quick Key: Uchidachi approaches in hasso no kamae, and strikes for Shidachi's men. Shidachi avoids the sword cut and strikes uchidachi's kote. Uchidachi steps back into jodan kamae, Shidachi strikes the exposed kote. Uchidachi retires.
Uchidachi | Shidachi |
1. Allow shidachi to take kamae. | 1. Take kamae: Place the end of the jo on the ground so that the jo is at a slightly forward angle and is steadied with your right hand. Your left hand has not moved from where it was in tsune no kamae. The jo is vertical, and is on your centre line. |
2. After shidachi takes kamae, step forward with the left foot into Hasso no kamae. Approach shidachi, start with the left foot, and take 3 steps forward, pause slightly and then step with the right foot, and cut straight down to horizontal. This is a cut for men. | 2. Tai sabaki: step back and off the centre line (~ 20 degrees) with right foot. Pull the left foot back out of harms way. The josaki stays on the floor, and the line of the jo is pointing at uchidachi. Your right hand comes to your right hip. As your right hand comes to your right hip bone, bend at the waist and grab about ½ of the stick. |
3. Maintain zanshin. | 3. Swing the jo up and around in a large arc to your right (but not back) and strike tachi's left kote, with a small tsugi ashi. (The josaki threatens tachi's uto, suigetsu, and finally comes to rest touching kote.) (LFF) |
4. Step back, along the line of the jo into jodan kamae. (LFF) | 4. Perform honte uchi, strike tachi's left kote, there is a small shibori on the strike. (RFF) |
5. Tsugi ashi back slightly (right foot then left) to take your kote out from under the jo. Maintain zanshin, and lower the sword to your right side. Your left wrist should come in contact with your left hip. | 5. As uchidachi retires, lower the josaki to the eyes, and perform osame |
(shidachi)When taking kamae, slowly lower the jo to the ground so that the josaki rests on the ground, the jo should touch the ground quietly. Maintain zanshin while taking kamae, don't look down at the ground. Your right arm should be straight, but the elbow not locked.(uchidachi) On the cut for shidachi's men, the sword goes from hasso no kamae through jodan no kamae, and then to the final horizontal position.(shidachi) On the initial strike for uchidachi's kote, bring the jo around slightly to the right, and almost vertical when making the large arc. On this strike the jo should threaten the eyes, chest and then kote.(uchidachi) When making the transition from the first cut, to jodan no kamae, be sure that the path of the sword takes it back, and out from under the jo, before it moves up into jodan.
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